Google Transliteration Urdu

Google has done an excellent job by developing Google Transliteration Urdu tool. For your convenience we have added this in website. You can type Urdu easily by just typing English pronunciation of Urdu words. Continue reading

Online Urdu Editor

There are several ways to write in Urdu. Online Urdu Editor is a handy way to type Urdu in any internet connected device that supports Unicode. Normally to type in Urdu one has to install complex script support, install Urdu keyboard and install Urdu fonts. But with the help Continue reading

Welcome to Urdu Keyboard!


This site is all about typing in Urdu. You can do many tasks here.

What you want to do?

I want to INSTALL Urdu Support on my machine

Your can install Urdu on your device /computer easily

I want to TYPE Urdu without installing

You can type Urdu through browser based Urdu typing system

I want to READ Urdu related articles

You can consult different available resources here

I want to ASK Urdu related question

You can ask your question in comments here. We and other expert users would surely help you get what you want quickly.